Help is a Tap Away
Help is a tap away with the McHenry County Mental Health Board MCHELP app. The MCHELP app can provide immediate access 24/7 to licensed mental health professionals via voice or text. Here for you, your friends, or family, MCHELP is quick and confidential. Anything you need to talk about? Licensed mental health professionals are ready to listen and help. Call or text your concerns to MCHELP on any subject 24/7 365 days a year. New MCHELP users can download the app for free via the Google Play Store or the App store.
Utility Assistance
The McHenry County Housing Authority has funds available and is currently helping households with money toward gas/electric/propane bills (no need to be past due on the bills), and also with past due rent assistance. Your residents do not need a shut-off notice from the utility company or a 5-day notice from their landlord to apply. Also, we have reconnect assistance that may be available for families that have already received LIHEAP benefits this program year that are in danger of having their utilities disconnected. This program ends May 31, 2021 or when program funding is exhausted.
To determine eligibility, these programs look at a household’s gross income (before taxes) going back 30 days, or if needed, going forward 30 days. Please share this information with the families in your communities. All appointments are confidential and are being conducted via telephone. We are having residents fax, mail, or by taking a picture of the required documents and emailing to apply. We also have a secure drop box for documents to be dropped off at our office. Many of the previous requirements for these programs have been waived. We can help your residents now!
Quick Links:
Past-Due Mortgage Assistance Program
New Program Opening in October 2021:
MCHA’s past-due mortgage assistance program may provide a limited amount of assistance for homeowners who are behind in their mortgage payment(s) due to an economic crisis that was beyond the household’s control. All applicants must be current McHenry County residents who have lived in McHenry County for at least the past 30 days and they must reside full-time in the home for which they are applying. MCHA’s payment must bring the mortgage current or prevent foreclosure. This program can assist with mortgage payments that include an escrow for property taxes and homeowner’s insurance; however, it cannot assist with property tax payments or insurance premiums that are separate (not included in an escrow). This program cannot pay for association dues. Applications may be rejected if the property taxes and association dues (if applicable) are not current.
Gross income limits for the past 30 days listed by household size | |||||||
1 | $2,147 | ||||||
2 | $2,903 | ||||||
3 | $3,660 | ||||||
4 | $4,417 | ||||||
5 | $5,173 | ||||||
6 | $5,930 | ||||||
7 | $6,687 | ||||||
8 | $7,443 |
This program is funded by a Community Services Block Grant.
Contact Sue Rose at for more information. An application package can be obtained by clicking here.
Illinois Rental Payment Program
Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) reopened the Illinois Rental Payment Program on Monday, Dec. 6, 2021.
In the first round of ILRPP launched in May, IHDA reviewed all completed applications, approved more than 57,000 applications and paid out nearly $540 million on behalf of renters experiencing pandemic-related hardships. Since 2020, the state of Illinois has provided over $776 million in emergency rental assistance to help keep more than 103,100 Illinois seniors, families and others safely housed.
The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is accepting applications for up to $25,000 in rental assistance on a rolling basis. Households who need help in applying for rental assistance should contact an IDHS Service Provider Agency. Provider agencies will help you determine eligibility, walk you through the application process, and help you submit your application. Provider agencies can also help you find assistance with utility bills, free legal aid, and additional services.
A list of Provider Agencies, as well as organizations helping with utility bills, free legal aid, and additional services can be found at
Further aiming to reduce evictions in Illinois, a Court-Based Rental Assistance Program administered by IDHS is available to assist tenants outside of Cook County with active cases in eviction court. Tenants may apply for up to 12 months of past due rent and up to three months of future rent payments using their eviction court case number at
ILRPP provides direct funding to support Illinois tenants unable to pay their rent due to a COVID-19-related loss of income. Approved applicants will receive one-time grants of up to $25,000 paid directly to their landlords on their behalf. If the landlord chooses not to participate in the program, tenants may receive payments directly. In this application round, assistance will cover up to 18 months of emergency rental payments, including up to 15 months of missed payments and up to three months of future rent payments. Rent owed from June 2020 through April 2022 may be paid for with ILRPP funds. Priority will be given to households earning less than 50% of AMI and to households with one or more members who have been unemployed for at least 90 days.
Tenant eligibility requirements:
- Household lives in Illinois and rents their home as their primary residence.
- Household must have experienced a financial hardship directly or indirectly due to the pandemic.
- Household income is below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), adjusted for household size.
- Household must have an unpaid rent balance.
- Proof of citizenship is not required. Rental assistance is not a “public charge” benefit.
- Tenants residing in state- or federally-subsidized housing are eligible to apply.
For additional information and updates, please visit
MCHA Dental Program
Help is here!
Up to $2,000 in financial assistance!
McHenry County Housing Authority offers financial assistance to income-eligible McHenry County residents who need urgent dental treatment, but who lack the means to obtain the dental care. Our CSBG Dental Program serves all ages. Our Senior Dental Program is available for those who are age 55 and older, and it has a slightly higher income limit. Income limits are based on gross income (before taxes and other deductions). See the charts below for the limits.
CSBG Dental income limit for the past 30 days by household size | |||||||
1 | $2,147 | ||||||
2 | $2,903 | ||||||
3 | $3,660 | ||||||
4 | $4,417 | ||||||
5 | $5,173 | ||||||
6 | $5,930 | ||||||
7 | $6,687 | ||||||
8 | $7,443 |
Senior Dental (age 55+) annual income limit by household size | |||||||
1 | $32,650 | ||||||
2 | $37,300 | ||||||
3 | $41,950 | ||||||
4 | $46,600 | ||||||
5 | $50,350 | ||||||
6 | $54,100 | ||||||
7 | $57,800 | ||||||
8 | $61,550 |
Contact Kayla Prendergast at: or (815) 308-6049
Free And Low-Income Internet Plans for Families, Seniors, And Students experts explain 10 ways low-income families can get cheap internet service at home. Click here for details.
Service Area
New service areas were added to MCRide in 2019. These include general public (“all rider”) service in Fox River Grove and three new point destinations. (A point destination is a specific location that would normally be considered outside of the general public service area. However, as a designated point destination, all riders can travel directly to or from these locations.) The new point destinations are the PADS Day Center in Woodstock, Illinois Railway Museum in Union, and Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington.
Phone Number
Service Hours
Mon-Fri 6am-7pm, Sat.& Sun. 9am-5pm. No service on holidays.
Rider Fares
- General public (all riders) will pay $3.00 for the first 5 miles of travel and $0.25 for each additional mile.
- Seniors (over 60 years) and individuals with disabilities will pay $1.50 for the first 5 miles of travel and $0.25 for each additional mile.
Home Delivered Senior Meals Program
Catholic charities are now delivering meals to Seniors age 60 and over. Formerly known as Meals on Wheels, this program helps home bound seniors get a daily hot nutritious meal. If you live in McHenry County and would like to sign up for this program, please call 1-800-339-3200.
Click here to view the flyer for McHenry County residents.
Local Food Pantries
Algonquin-LITH Interfaith Food Pantry
1113 Pyott Road, Lake In The Hills, IL 60156
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 until 11 :30 am and the 1st & 3rd Saturday 9:30 am until 11 :30 am
Cary-Grove Food Pantry
St. Barnabas Lutheran Church-8901 S. Cary-Algonquin Road, Cary, IL 60013
Tuesday & Thursday 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm and 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sat. 8:30 to 10:30 am.
Crystal Lake Food Pantry
42 East Street, Crystal Lake
Mon., Wed. & Fri. 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and Thurs. 5:00 to 7:00 pm, Sat. 9am-12pm
Crystal Lake Food Pantry at Calvary Church
5906 S. Rte. 31
1st & 3rd Tuesday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Grafton Food Pantry
11481 Allison Court, Huntley, IL
Mon. 4:00 to 7:00 pm, Wed. 1 :00 to 4:00 pm & Fri. 1 :00 to 4:00 pm
Harvard Community Food Pantry
6817 Harvard Hills Road, Harvard
Tuesdays 9:30 to 11:30 am and 1:30 to 5:00 pm
Hebron Community Food Pantry
10317 Freeman Road, Hebron
1st & 3rd Thursday 2:00 to 4:00 pm
The Manger Food Pantry
7664 Wilmot Road, Spring Grove, IL
Sundays Noon to 2:00 pm
Marengo Area Outreach Enterprises – The M.O.R.E. Center Food Pantry
829 Greenlee Street, Marengo, IL 60152
Wed. 9 am to noon & Thurs. 4:00 to 6:30 pm
McHenry FISH Food Pantry
McHenry Township Office, 3515 N. Richmond Rd, McHenry, IL
Tues. & Thurs. 9:00-11 :30am, 3rd Tuesday 4:30 -6:30 pm.
New Life Pentecostal Church Food Pantry
309 N. Division Street, Harvard, IL
Sun. 9:00 am until noon, Wed. 6:00 -8:30 pm
Richmond Community Pantry
Memorial Hall Lower Level, 10309 Main St., Richmond, IL
Spring Grove Helping Hands Food Pantry
2502 Spring Ridge Dr., Suite B, Spring Bluff Industrial Park, Spring Grove, IL 60081
Tuesday & Thursday 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Wonder Lake Neighbors Food Pantry
Nativity Lutheran Church, 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd., Wonder Lake, IL
Tue. & Wed. 9:00 am to noon
Woodstock Bible Church Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen
770 E. Kimball Ave., Woodstock
Sundays 11:15 am until 1:15 pm
Woodstock Food Pantry
Dorr Township Building, 1033 Lake Avenue, Woodstock, IL 60098
Mon., Wed., & Fri. 9 am until 3 pm
Senior Care Volunteer Network
Senior Care Volunteer Network works with seniors of our community who live at home to assist them and their families in maintaining their independence, dignity and quality of life.
Whether it is with a ride to the doctor, help with some yard work, or a friendly visit, our volunteers provide services to seniors in need of assistance at no cost. Find out more by visiting or by calling 815-455-3120.
MCDH Encourages Those Vaccinated Against COVID-19 to Protect Their Vaccination Card
McHENRY COUNTY — The McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH) is reminding residents vaccinated against COVID-19 to contact their physician to find out how they can enter their vaccination card information into their medical records.
As more businesses and employers are requiring proof of vaccination against COVID-19, having a record of your vaccination will prevent missed time from work or access to certain businesses and facilities. Those traveling internationally may be required to show proof of vaccination.
“Unless you currently have COVID-19 or are already vaccinated against the disease, it’s not too late to protect yourself by getting vaccinated,” said MCDH Public Health Administrator Melissa Adamson. “Having a plan to safeguard your vaccine card and showing proof of your vaccine may be the difference between going to work or unexpected missed time.”
Those who have misplaced their vaccination card should contact the vaccine provider to find out how to get a replacement. Anyone who received their vaccine at an MCDH clinic, including clinics in McHenry County managed by Curative, can get a record of their vaccination card through MCDH.
To get a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination record from MCDH, make an appointment by calling (815) 334-4510, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The cost to replace the record is $2, and a release of information and photo identification is required at the time of your appointment to receive the record.
Find out where to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by visiting To schedule an appointment at an MCDH clinic, visit If you need assistance or do not have internet access, call the MCDH COVID-19 Call Center at (815) 334-4045.

CDC issued COVID vaccination record card
If you are vaccinated against the disease, MCDH recommends you do the following:
- Contact your physician to find out how to enter your vaccination card into your health record
- Take a photo of your vaccination card for backup proof
- Do not laminate your vaccination card
- Enter your vaccination history or test results into a SMART Health Card
- Opt-in to either v-safe or VaxText as a way to preserve vaccination information
- Register with the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Vax Verify to request your immunization records
IDES: Employer Targeted Fraud and Phishing Schemes
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) would like to share updates from the agency, to better serve you and your employees:
Phishing Schemes
Please remain alert and vigilant to identify fraudulent communications. IDES does NOT initiate contact with employers by email, text, or social media to request MyTax Illinois account information or passwords. If you receive a suspicious text or email claiming to be from IDES that requests specific account information, please do not disclose your account password. Call our Employer Hotline at (800) 247-4984 to report fraud associated with your MyTax Illinois account and provide the analyst with detailed information so we can investigate the incident. For further reference, see the Fraud & Phishing Alert and Phishing Schemes Press Release.
Reporting Identity Theft Fraud
IDES has developed a reporting form for employers to report instances of identity theft which resulted in fraudulent claims being filed under the names of one or more of their employees. Please refer to this guide to securely submit an identity theft report at Additional guidance to protect employees against identity theft fraud is available on IDES’s employer fraud webpage. IDES respectfully request that all employer ID theft fraud claims now be submitted using the MyTax form and not through any individual IDES email accounts or telephone calls.
IDES Web Resources:
Lead-based Paint Hazards Grant Available
The McHenry County Department of Planning and Development just launched a grant program for residential properties in McHenry County. The program aims to remediate lead-based paint hazards in pre-1978 residential homes.
Program information is available at, and the program flyer is available here. Please spread the word about the program, and disseminating this information to anyone you feel might benefit from knowing. The aim is to get this in front of McHenry County residential property owners, or people who can help get it to those property owners (board/council members, HOA’s, community partners/organizations, professionals, etc.).
Please reach out to Andrew Stuckey with any questions about the program or if you’d like to work more closely in bringing this to your community (, 815-334-4577).
Village of Algonquin | |
Village of Barrington Hills | |
Village of Cary | |
City of Crystal Lake | |
Village of Fox River Grove | |
Village of Lake in The Hills | |
Village of Port Barrington | |
Village of Lakewood | |
Village of Oakwood Hills | |
Village of Trout Valley | |
Cary Grove Chamber | |
McHenry County Conservation District | |
McHenry County Government Center | |
Nunda Township | |
McHenry Township | |
Grafton Township | |
State of Illinois | |
Algonquin-Lake In The Hills Chamber | |
McHenry County Department of Health – info regarding Covid-19 | |
McHenry County Department of Health | Food Insecurity Resource Packet |
Access From AT&T – Stay Connected with Affordable Internet | |
Salvation Army of Crystal Lake | | Phone (815)455-2769 |
McHenry County Defenders Recycling | |
Senior Services | | Crystal Lake office 815-356-7457 |
Sport and Games for Seniors: Fun and Exercise in One | |
Downsizing For Retirement: A Step-by-Step Guide | |
Aging in Place: A Guide to Growing Older at Home | |
Guide to Safe Driving for Seniors | |
Diaper Rash Prevention and Treatment for Seniors | |
Senior Pet Owners Guide | |
Green Guide | |
Substance Abuse Rehab for Veterans | |
Addiction Center | |
The Recovery Village | |
Stairway to Freedom Sober Living | |
National Map of Addiction Treatment Centers | |
Mesothelioma Guide | |
Peritoneal Mesothelioma Resource | |
Lead-based Paint Hazards Grant | |
College Students Guide to Ergonomics | |
Chicago Botanical Gardens | |
Virtual Programming Options
Enjoy a visit to Yellowstone or the Coral reefs and many other Fascinating locations right from your own home! Algonquin Township is pleased to provide a list of virtual programs for your viewing. Many of these programs are geared towards children, but they also allow anyone the chance to experience places that you wouldn’t otherwise get to see. Virtual field trips are also great for when you can’t get out due to weather, illness or the expense of traveling. Here are several free resources you and your family can use to take virtual field trips.
Please note, the Algonquin Township does not recommend or endorse any referral or program. We have not checked or verified content. Please use discretion before viewing. Every effort has been made to check accuracy; if you notice something is not working, please contact us at 847-639-2700 x 7 or email
Armchair Field Trips
Activities |
Virtual Jigsaw Puzzles | Never lose a piece again – complete a variety of jigsaw puzzles using a computer or tablet. |
Fun with Geography | Find clues and guess where you are in the world. |